
Showing posts from 2017

Final Day of the XXI General Assembly

Today ended the XXI General Assembly.  It is bitter-sweet.  We have been a Global Community for almost a month!  Today we closed with time for sharing and celebrating.  The Good-byes have begun.  We are women with a heart for the World!

A Walk to the Beach

Some of us took a walk before supper to the Ocean. Beautiful!

Birthdays and Feast Days!

Yesterday a number of people celebrated their Birthday, Feast Day and Near Birthday!  

Time for A Social

Last Evening we gathered for our Last Social of the XXI General Assembly.  Each reality did something.  Many joined with one another across cultures to dress and entertain.  Some even switched personalities!!! Check out Dani Brought and Matija Pavic. It was a lovely evening of laughter, dance and fun.  

Welcome to Sr. Wieslawa, who joined the Assembly as one of the General Council

We blessed Sr. Wieslawa who arrived today to join the Assembly and complete the new General Council. Here a few other shots from life here!  We have three more days of Assembly.  Completing the Direction Statement and a few other things.  

Free Day

Yesterday, we had some free time.  We shopped, and toured.  We had lunch at this lovely place operated by a group of Religious Women, L'Eau Vive.  We then were treated to a cultural program by the Children and Staff of St Francis Borja.  Wonderful Day!

A New General Superior and Council

Our elections are now complete.  Our Assembly has elected a General Leadership.  Blessings on them all.   Sisters Dani, Matija,Nadia,Bridget and Wieslawa

A New General Superior

Today the Assembly elected Sr. Nadia Coppa, ASC the next General Superior. Many blessings on her and the Assembly as they now discern the Council to accompany her in leadership.

The Day of Ready-ing

Today, the Assembly had time to put things in order to enter freely into discernment for General Leadership.  There was sharing, there was dancing, led by our own Susan!  And there was a time of blessing for our outgoing General Leaders.  Tonight all are gathered in Chapel for a time of Adoration, as we enter into these days together and discern those we wish to call as Leaders for the next six years. Please keep us all in prayer.

Seeking the Direction

The Members have been spending time in contemplation and sharing, seeking the direction for the next six years.  

Some Scenes from the space we share

As you know, the theme of the General Assembly is ...At Your Word... Here are a few pictures of the space.

A Stop on the way home

We stopped at the parish of our Missionaries of the Precious Blood this evening.  This one is on the periphery of Lima.  They were having a festival, complete with BINGO!  We were welcomed like VIPs!  

Sunday July 16th

Today we drove for two hours to visit the birth place of St Rose of Lima.  What a drive!, we traveled to the periphery of Lima, a very different part of the city.  We climbed a mountain where parts of the road have been washed out and temporary dirt and stone take its place.  We were 55 in a Pullman bus! At one point we came up a dirt road to find a temporary bridge to cross, the bus had to back up to negotiate the turn onto this narrow bridge.  I was not near the window, so I don't have a picture.  I hope to get one from someone who did.  It was amazing and a little unnerving as well.  BUT, we made it and celebrated Mass there, visited and had a delicious chicken dinner. Tomorrow, we begin anew.  Please keep our Assembly in prayer as these next days will be direction setting for the next 6 years.  

Touring a little of Lima

We took a bit of drive and had a taste of Mira Flores! There is a mall there, many stores familiar to those from the USA.  Would love to go back and just spend the day, but with 50 people to move around, we had a taste for now.